Afterwar: Veterans from a World in Conflict   exhibition by Lori Grinker
Contents & Specs

The exhibition showcases fifty-one digital fine-art chromogenic prints, including seven large-size images and several archival photographs from the veterans' own albums. An introductory text panel by Robert Pledge deals with the relationship between war and photography, and a text panel by journalist Chris Hedges provides a historical and philosophical context. Each of the images — photographed in subdued color to convey a contemporaneous, everyday reality devoid of mythology or sentimentalism — is accompanied by caption information and brief excerpts from Grinker's interviews with her subjects.

Introductory text: Robert Pledge, Curator
Text panel: Chris Hedges, Journalist

51 digital fine-art prints on archival paper, dry-mounted on aluminum without frames, including:
• 7 vertical images (90cm x 125cm / 35"x 58") mounted on aluminum,
• 22 images (40cm x 60cm / 16"x 24") mounted on aluminum, unframed
• 22 images (30cm x 45cm / 12"x 18") mounted in box frames with no glass
• one introductory panel (90cm x 125cm / 35"x 50")
• two didactic panels (90cm x 125cm / 35"x 50")

The exhibition requires linear spaces between 55-80 meters (180-260 feet)

Exhibition rental fee:
Contact Jeffrey Smith for fees.

Additional costs:
Transportation, insurance, publicity, posters, invitations and opening event are not included in the fee. The artist or curator must be invited by each venue to supervise the hanging of the show.

Ahouatcha Mahinou at the Maison du Combattant, Cotonou, Bénin. Served 1942-1946 with French Army in WWII

I am enormously moved and impressed by Lori Grinker’s work. It parallels closely much that I have written about, and conveys powerfully the principle of what I call a “species mentality,” an outlook and sense of self bound up with a strong awareness of being part of humankind.

Robert Jay Lifton
Visiting professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School
Author of Death in Life: Survivors of Hiroshima (University of North Carolina Press)
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