Contact Press Images, the international picture agency, was co-founded in
New York in 1976 by French-British journalist and editor Robert Pledge and
American photojournalist David Burnett. The purpose of the agency was to
facilitate the independent production of in-depth and documentary essays,
and to develop a humanist photography attuned to major international
issues and social currents.
Contact, which in its early years trained its collective lens on the
little-known disease, Aids, has long specialized in long-term projects --
political, religious and human rights issues -- that often take
photographers years to complete, bringing together men and women of
diverse backgrounds and nationalities, the key to its singularity and
strength. The agency has conceived and produced exhibitions, monographs,
catalogs, and many individual and collective works.
Photographers' Biographies
Patrick Artinian
Kirsten Ashburn
Jane Evelyn Atwood
Alexandra Avakian
Nadia Benchallal
David Burnett
Deborah Copaken
Nick Danziger
J.B. Diederich
Stephen Dupont
Girogia Fiorio
Chuck Fishman
Frank Fournier
Matt Franjola
Gianfranco Gorgoni
Lori Grinker
Hale Gurland
Afrim Hajrullahu
Sean Hemmerle
James Hill
Kenneth Jarecke
Annie Leibovitz
Li Zhensheng
Liu Heung Shing
Don McCullin
Dilip Mehta
Olivier Rebbot
Alon Reininger
Sebastião Salgado
Robert Pledge
Jacques Menasche
Click here for more info about the agency.

Contact photographers at the Pingyao show in 2006, clockwise top left; Lori Grinker, Kenneth Jarecke, Alexandra Avakian, Nadia Benchallal, Charles Ommanney, Stephen Dupont, Yunghi Kim, Edward Keating, Sean Hemmerle, Jane Evelyn Atwood, Frank Fournier, Nick Danziger, Kristen Ashburn, David Burnett. |