Bloodline: AIDS and Family   exhibition by Kristen Ashburn
Contents & Specs

The exhibition consists of thirty-one black and white images printed as Duotrans on light boxes. This includes 29 2x2 ft. light boxes and 3 larger pieces (11x4ft, 11x8ft, and 5x4ft). Also included is a 29” x 6ft panel of silver printed portraits. A multimedia presentation accompanies the prints providing the viewer with real time video of personal accounts.

The exhibit packs into:
3 crates 28in x 28in x 56in with wheels and handles plus 1 crate 12.5ft x 5ft x 4ft with wheels and handles

The exhibition requires linear spaces between 55-80 meters (180-260 feet)

Exhibition rental fee:
Contact Jeffrey Smith for fees.

Additional costs:
Transportation, insurance, publicity, posters, invitations and opening event are not included in the fee. The artist or curator must be invited by each venue to supervise the hanging of the show.

Otilia Taskani (38) and Nigel (9) are HIV positive. Otilia is unable to afford ARV drugs to treat Nigel who suffers from Cryptococcus Meningitis, a life-threatening virus that will kill him if left untreated. Zimbabwe
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